
United Kingdom

Company Name Website
Evolution Vaping www.evolutionvaping.co.uk
Flawless Distro UK www.flawlessvapedistro.co.uk
BKS Tradeline www.bkstradeline.com


United States

Company Name Website
Vaperz Cloud USA www.VaperzCloud.com
Modern Vapor www.modernvaporcompany.com
Demand Vape www.DemandVape.com



Company Name Website
GFC ProVap GFC Webiste
KLMS www.kumulusvape.fr



International Partners

Company Name Website Country
Reload Vape IT http://www.reloadvape.it/ Italy
Sizzle Distribution www.sizzle-distribution.be/en/ Belgium
Vapour Eyes www.vapoureyes.com.au Australia
Sir Vape SA https://www.sirvape.co.za/ South Africa
Atmology GR www.atmology.gr Greece

Brexit Information

Orders placed over the value of €150 will be subject to pay a disbursement fee, tax and customs duty upon arrival.

Please see the below sections for a breakdown of these charges

UPS charges a disbursement fee of atleast €12.00 and a maximum of €17.07. This fee will depend on the destination country.

Depending on where a product is manufactured, you may be liable to pay Customs Duty, all products manufactured in the UK are excluded. Please navigate to the product page and select the "Additional Information" tab, this will highlight where that specific product has been manufactured. Custom Duty is dependent on Country of Origin and Destination Country. Please contact your selected courier for a detailed breakdown of these charges.